Dear Reader,

We are reaching out with this Special Edition of our Formacare Newsletter to share important information and our response to a recent publication concerning formaldehyde.

This 14 November 2023, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has released an opinion (currently only available in French) suggesting a causal link between formaldehyde and myeloid leukaemia. Formacare respectfully disagrees with this conclusion, as it does not present new scientific evidence establishing a direct connection between formaldehyde exposure and myeloid leukaemia in humans.

In response to this, Formacare is actively working to demonstrate the lack of scientific substantiation in the ANSES report. It is important to note that previous EU scientific assessments, including one by ANSES in 2018, concluded that no definitive mode of action links formaldehyde to myeloid leukaemia.

The 2023 ANSES report relies on older scientific data, which has been challenged by more recent research. Committed to a rigorous assessment of scientific advancements, Formacare has engaged two independent epidemiologists. These experts, with extensive knowledge of formaldehyde literature, have identified significant scientific and methodological shortcomings in the ANSES 2023 report. These reports can be made available upon request.

Moreover, we will continue to underline that formaldehyde-based products manufactured in the European Union (EU) adhere to the strictest safety requirements set by European Legislation. The EU is recognised for having the most stringent regulations globally for consumer and worker safety regarding formaldehyde exposure.

Formacare has issued a press statement, available on our website. Our statement underlines the absence of new scientific evidence in ANSES’ report linking formaldehyde exposure and myeloid leukaemia in humans. We state that ANSES’s conclusions are at odds with existing EU risk assessments and are not underpinned by new scientific evidence. In light of this, we urge the European Commission and ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) to continue upholding a science-based approach.

We understand that this topic may raise concerns, and we want to assure you that Formacare is committed to ensuring transparency in all our practices. We will continue to provide updates and informed perspectives on this matter.

Should you be contacted by the media, please kindly reach out to Formacare at Paul Girard () with copy to Marisa Velasco (), Myriam Goffin () & Begüm Boynukalin ().

Thank you for your continued trust in Formacare.

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