About formacare

Formacare is the formaldehyde sector group of the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) representing key European producers of formaldehyde and derivatives including aminoplast resins and glues, polyacetals, paraformaldehyde and polyols.

Made up of representatives from large and medium chemical and manufacturing companies across Europe, formacare promotes the safe use and manufacturing of formaldehyde in accordance with the strictest health and safety regulations. Members of formacare uniting approximately 95% of the formaldehyde produced in the EU 27, and Norway. 

Formacare aims to provide a platform for an open and constructive dialogue throughout the value chain, between manufacturers, downstream users and key regulators at both National and European levels. 

Formacare also works closely with leading scientists and academics to continually support research related to formaldehyde, its uses, health and safety. 

Formacare cooperates with the American Chemistry Council (ACC) Formaldehyde Panel. For more information about Formacare, please email .