Dear Reader,
Thank you for your continued interest in our newsletter which comes in difficult times: first the Covid pandemic, and now the war in Ukraine have shaken our industry and our customers. In this context, we in Formacare hope for the situation to stabilise as soon as possible. The last 6 months have been quite busy for Formacare: the procedure for the ongoing restriction was finally unlocked, US authorities unveiled their draft assessment of formaldehyde and the members of Formacare finally managed to meet again and for the first time since Covid.
In parallel, the Formacare team continued to work on new stories on formaldehyde, to continue to highlight all the benefits this interstellar chemical provides.
The next months are expected to be bumpy: the European Commission will release multiple legal initiatives from the Green Deal and the Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability. The Formacare team is keeping track of all these developments via the expert teams in Cefic. Furthermore, an assessment of the possible impact about formaldehyde will be performed by the end of the year. This will support our day-to-day engagement with regulators and decision-makers.
If you want to know more, continue to follow us on LinkedIn and register for this newsletter if not done already.
In the meantime, I wish you a very pleasant summer and a nice holiday!
Yours sincerely,
Lars Eric Johansson
Chairman Formacare
Executive Vice President Industrial Relations at OQ Chemicals