Kronochem products ensure quality products, low emission and efficient production
Using state-of-the-art integrated resin plants, Kronochem produces high quality cost-effective resins tailored to specific demands.
Kronochem produces a wide range of chemicals:
• UF, MUF and MF resins for particleboard (PB), medium density fibreboard (MDF) and high density fibreboard (HDF), including flooring
• resins for oriented strand board (OSB)
• impregnation resins for paper and glass fibre
• formalin in a broad range of concentrations and stabilisations
• urea formaldehyde concentrate (UFC)
• spray dried UF and MF based resins for the woodworking industry and special applications, such as the automotive industry
• speciality resins for plywood, veneering, construction glue and doors
• additives including catchers, accelerators and hardeners
• paraffin wax emulsions for wood applications
Kronochem offers a full range of systems for the woodworking industry. These include lowest emission resins for wood-based panels (E-1, E-LE, CARBII, JIS or “As Wood” specifications), hardeners, accelerators, catchers and paraffin emulsions.
To optimise logistics Kronochem runs the biggest and most modern methanol terminal on the Baltic Sea.
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